# Renaming of modes.. (One should not rename the modefiles themselves..)
# Mode_Freetext:Frei-text
# Default filenames..
# Interactive help on menus :
# Iconbar:
# Info \Rto get information about this version of StrongED.|MClick to get help on StrongED.
# Choices... Click to open a dbox with all global choices.|MNote that there is a similar box available from the Mode menu, which is used to set mode-dependant options.
# TextList ^L Click to open a window continually showing all views.
# Infobar
# Create Click to create an empty textfile.|M\Rcreate other filetypes.
# File menu Click to load and edit the File Menu
# Quit Click to quit StrongED.
# Iconbar:Infobar->
# (x,y) Click here if you want the infobar to show the caret's x,y position in the text.
# (Offset) Click here if you want the infobar to show the caret's offset position in the text.
# Iconbar:Infobar->(x,y)->
# x is column
# x is char
# x starts from 0
# x starts from 1
# y is textline
# y is wrapline
# y starts from 0
# y starts from 1
# Iconbar:Infobar->(offset)->
# Decimal offset
# Hex offset
# Offset starts from 0
# Offset starts from 1
# Iconbar:Create->
# Text Click to create an empty textfile.
# Obey Click to create an empty Obey file.
# Exec Click to create an empty Exec file.
# Click to create an empty file of given type.
# View:
# Misc
# Save \Rsave text, block or viewers.|MClick here to save text directly.
# Block
# Edit
# Display
# TaskWindow
# Mode
# View:Misc>
# Help ïF1 Click to get help on StrongED.
# Print \Rprint text or marked block.
# File info ^I \Ropen the fileinfo box.
# Filetype \Rset the filetype for this text.|M(This can also be done in the savebox)
# Chars ^ïF9 Click to open the character selection box.
# Type filetype and press RETURN.
# View:Save->
# Text F3 \Ropen savebox for this text.
# Block ïF3 \Ropen savebox for the marked block.
# Viewers \Ropen savebox for the viewers.|M(A file containing definitions of which texts are loaded, and where the views are..)
# View:Block->
# Mark
# Clear mark ^Z Click to clear the currently marked block.
# Process
# Clipboard
# View:Block->Mark->
# Start/End F6 Click to set start or end of block.
# Word ^A 2 Click to mark the word at the cursor.
# Line ^A 3 Click to mark the line at the cursor.
# Text ^A 4 Click to mark the entire text.
# View:Block->Clipboard->
# Copy to clipboard ^ïC Click to copy the current block to the clipboard.
# Cut to clipboard ^ïX Click to move the current block to the clipboard.
# Paste to text ^ïV Click to insert the contents of the clipboard into the text.
# Purge clipboard ^ïZ Click to remove current contents from clipboard.
# View:Block->Process->
# Copy ^C Click to copy block to where cursor is now.
# Move ^V Click to move block to where cursor is now.
# Delete ^X Click to delete block.
# Uppercase ^U Click to force text in block to uppercase. Key shortcut only applies when you're inside block.
# Lowercase ^J Click to force text in block to lowercase. Key shortcut only applies when you're inside block.
# Swap case ^S Click to swap case on text in block. Key shortcut only applies when you're inside block.
# Indent \Rindent marked block.
# Tab to spaces Click to replace all tabs with spaces.
# Spaces to Tab Click to replace spaces at start of the lines with tabs
# Rot13 Click to "encrypt"/"decrypt" block.|M(It adds 13 to the ascii value of each letter)
# Sort Click to sort lines of block in ascending order.
# View:Block->Process->Indent->
# Type a positive number to indent each line in block with that many spaces. Type a negative number to remove characters.|MAnything else will be inserted as written (but \\t will be converted to TAB)
# View:Edit->
# Insert Click to toggle between insert and overwrite mode.
# After Block Click to toggle After Block on/off.|MWhen on, the cursor will be placed at the end of the block when you move or copy it.
# Tabkey
# Search F4
# Replace ïF4
# ListOfFound F2
# Goto line F5
# Goto block ïF5 Click here to move cursor to start/end of marked block.
# Undo F8 Click here to undo the last change done to the text.
# Redo ^F8 Click here to redo the last change that was undone.
# Change \n \Rchange physical line ending
# Unwrap Click here to insert newlines where lines wrap.
# View:Edit->Tabkey->
# 'Truetab' Click here to make the TAB key insert a TAB character.
# Nearest Click here to make the TAB key insert enough spaces to position cursor under/over start of word on line above/below.
# Click here to make the TAB key insert enough spaces to move caret to the next column divisible by the given number.
# View:Edit->Change \n->
# LF (0A) This is the standard line ending on the Archimedes.
# CR (0D) I can't quite remember where this line ending is used, but it is..
# LF+CR (0A0D) This is what you get when you store output from the VDU|M*Modules { > ModList } The file ModList will have this line ending.
# CR+LF (0D0A) This is the standard line ending on MSDOS machines.
# View:Display->
# New view ^WC Click here to create a new view for the text.
# Wrapwidth
# ShowTab
# ShowCtrl
# \n type
# View:Display->New view->
MNewView:New View
# Split Vertically ^WV Click to split current view in two
# Split horisontally ^WH Click to split current view in two
# View:Display->Wrapwidth->
# Automatic Click here to set wrapwidth to automatic.|MWhen this is on, the width of the text will always be the same as the visible width of the window.
# 80 Click here to set wrapwidth to 80 chars.
# 132 Click here to set wrapwidth to 132 chars.
# Click here to set wrapwidth to the given value.
# View:Display->ShowTab->
# As Ctrl chars If this is on, TAB characters will be displayed in the same way as other control characters.
# Tab to 4 column If this is on, TAB characters will force a jump to the next column divisible by 4.
# Tab to 8 column If this is on, TAB characters will force a jump to the next column divisible by 8.
# |------| ïTAB If this is on, TAB characters will be visible.
# View:Display->ShowCtrl->
# Don't show If this is on, control characters will not be displayed at all.
# [hx] If this is on, control characters will be displayed with its hexadecimal value.
# [dec] If this is on, control characters will be displayed with its decimal value.
# . If this is on, control characters will be displayed as a "."
# View:Task->
# AutoScroll When On, view will automatically scroll to show output.
# Suspend Click to halt task.
# Resume Click to resume a halted task.
# Kill Click to kill task.
# View:Mode->
# Change mode \Rselect which mode to use.|MThis only changes the key bindings and this menu.
# Choices.. Click to open configure box for this mode.
# Base functions
# ListOfFound:
# Save \Ropen savebox for this list.
# Sort by string Click to sort entries.
# Sort by position Click to show entries in the order they were found.
# Whole line
# From found
# After found
# Align found
# Block Replace all occurences inside marked block.
# Text Replace all occurences after caret in this text.
# All Texts Replace all occurences
# Whole line
# From found
# After found
# Align found
MLoT:List of Texts
# New View Create new view for this text.
# Save text Save this text without question.
# Save changed Save all changed files without question.
# Kill View Kill this view.
# Kill unchanged Kill all files that are unchanged.
# Kill all Kill all files.
# Text
# Obey
# Data
# Misc
Create:Click to create an empty file in given mode.
Change:Click to change to the given mode.
FileMenu:This is the File Menu.|MClick to load file or execute command.|MTo edit the menu, click on "File Menu" in iconbar menu.
Ioff:To see interactive help for StrongED, turn it on in the Global Configure, Save settings and start StrongED anew.
# Interactive help..
Hib:This is the StrongED text editor.|MClick to create empty textfile.
Hwn05??:This is a StrongED view.
Hwn0600:This shows the status of the text :|M blank : Unchanged.|M * : Changed.
Hwn0601:This shows the position of the caret in the text.
Hwn0602:This shows whether the editor is in insert or overwrite modus.
Hwn0603:This shows what will happen when you press the TAB key.
Hwn0604:This shows whether there is a block marked or not.|M - : There is no block marked.|M b : There is a block marked, but not in this text.|M B : There is a block marked in this text.
Hwn060D:This shows whether there is anything in the clipboard.|M - : The clipboard is empty|M C : No, it's not..
Hwn0608:These are the bookmarks.|MIf white, no mark is set, if grey then mark is in another text, and if black then mark is in this text.|M\Sgoto mark. \Aset mark. Doubleclick to clear mark.
Hwn0609:This shows which mode the text is in.
Hwn060A:This shows which wrap-type is selected for this view.|M CW : Character wrap.|M WW : Word wrap.|MIf small letters, then no lines are currently wrapped.
Hwn060B:This shows which newline type this text has.
Hwn060C:This shows the current wrapwith in characters.|MIf autowrap is on, an "a" is appended.
Hwn06??:This is the infobar.
Hwn07??:This is a list of all texts currently loaded into StrongED.
Hwn08??:This is a "list of found" window.
Hwn09??:This is the alert/message window.
Hwn0A??:This is a Throwback window.|MClick on a line and StrongED will load the file and move to the correct line.|MShift-click will delete line/section.
Hwn0C??:This is the character selector.|MClick to insert character where the caret was. Use Adjust to make box stay open.|MKey shortcuts: Arrow keys (also ctrl) to move around, and Return to select.
Hwn8900:Type string to search for here.|MKey shortcuts: Page Up/Down to fetch old search strings.
Hwn8101:Type replace string here.|MKey shortcuts: Page Up/Down to fetch old strings.
Hwn8901:Click to toggle 'advanced' search syntax on/off|MKey shortcut: ^A
Hwn8902:Click to toggle the 'Line' switch on/off.|MWhen it is on, StrongED will only look for search string at the start of lines.|MKey shortcut: ^L
Hwn8903:Click to toggle case sensitive searching on/off.|MKey shortcut: ^C.
Hwn8105:Click to fetch the search/replace strings used last time.|MKey shortcut: Page Up/Down
Hwn8107:Click to count occurences of the search string.|MKey shortcut: ^N
Hwn8108:Click to start search.|MKey shortcut: Return.
Hwn8106:Click here to cycle between the different search-scopes.|MThis limits the area that will be searched.|MKey shortcut: ^S
Hwn81??:This is the Search/Replace dialogue box.
Hwn8202:Click to fetch the searchstring used last time.|MKey shortcut: Page Up/Down
Hwn8203:Click to go to next occurence of searchstring.|MKey shortcut: Down arrow
Hwn8204:Click to go to previous occurence of searchstring.|MKey shortcut: Up arrow
Hwn82??:This is the Interactive Search dialogue box.
Hwn83??:This is the Goto Line dialogue box.|MType a textline number and press Return. 1 is always the first line in the text.
Hwn8400:Click to *not replace* this occurence, but just find the next.|MKey shortcut: Down Arrow.
Hwn8401:Click to replace this occurence, and find the next.|MKey shortcut: Return.
Hwn8402:Click to replace all remaining occurences.|MKey shortcut: ^A
Hwn8403:Click to undo the last replace.|MKey shortcut: F8
Hwn8404:Click to redo the last undo.|MKey shortcut: ^F8
Hwn84??:This is the "What now" dialogue box.
HwnA400:Type filename here.|MKey shortcuts: Page Up/Down to fetch old filenames. Return to Save
HwnA401:Type filetype here.|MYou can type name or number.|MKey shortcut: Return to Save.
HwnA402:Drag this to where you want the file to be saved.
HwnA307:Click here to save.|MYou can also press Return, or drag the filetype icon to filer window (or other application)
HwnA407:Click here to save&kill.|MYou can also press Return, or drag the filetype icon to filer window (or other application)
HwnA404:Click here to kill the text without saving.
HwnA0??:This is the Save text dialogue box.
HwnA1??:This is the Save block dialogue box.
HwnA2??:This is the Save viewers dialogue box.
HwnA3??:This is the Save List of Found dialogue box.
HwnA4??:This is the Save&kill text dialogue box.
Hwn8904:Click to cycle between the different display types.|MKey shortcut: ^D
Hwn8906:Click to fetch the searchstring used last time.|MKey shortcut: Page Up/Down
Hwn8907:Click to start generating list of found.|MKey shortcut: Return
Hwn89??:This is the List of Found dialogue box.
Hwn8D0B:Click to count number of words in text.
Hwn8D??:This shows information on the text.
Hwn8E??:This is the standard "program info" box.|MClick on the "Help" button to get 'meatier' information.
# Errors..
Err01:Not enough memory.
Err02:Too many windows. Can't create View.
Err03:Cannot load here!
Err04:File not found
Err05:Can't load a directory.
Err06:Load failed. Did sender die?
Err07:Can't save text to itself.
Err08:No help on that word.
Err09:No block is marked.
Err10:Block not in this Text.
Err11:Can't copy block into itself.
Err12:Can't have fastchars for this mode.
Err13:Mark is undefined.
Err14:Can't move block into itself.
Err15:String contains unknown escape character.
Err16:String not found.
Err17:Couldn't replace more than %u4 occurences
Err18:Can't find !StrongHlp.
#Err19:Text is locked while printing.
Err20:You must quit old print-job first.
Err21:This is a null-string.
Err22:Undo is turned off for this text.
Err23:Nothing to Undo.
Err24:Nothing to Redo.
Err25:Unknown Undo/Redo code %u4.
Err26:This entry does nothing.
Err27:Don't know where to save. Drag to directory.
Err28:Oops.. Unknown internal error..!?! (%u4)
Err29:Nothing to playback.
Err30:The DDEUtils module is needed for throwback
Err31:Learn buffer is full. Turned off.
Err32:Unknown token.
Err33:Unexpected end of file.
Err34:Expected keyname.
Err35:Only c-? supported.
Err36:This character can't be used as a control key.
Err37:Only 3 keys allowed per keystroke.
Err38:Unknown function.
Err39:Bad keylist name.
Err40:Function don't take parameters.
Err41:Function doesn't take numbers as parameter.
Err42:Function doesn't take strings as parameter.
Err43:This is not an 'ExternalEdit' text..
Err44:"%s" not present.
Err45:Menuline expected.
Err46:Wimp$Scrap is not defined.
Err47:Expression Error.
Err48:Unknown identifier.
Err49:Function doesn't take id's as parameter.
Err50:Missing "
Err51:Missing left part of or-expression
Err52:Missing ' to end set
Err53:Only strings, NL and @xx allowed in replace expression.
Err54:Incorrect mark.
Err55:Mark %u4 is not set.
Err56:Replace string too large
Err57:Expected "("
Err58:This function has no more parameters.
Err59:Required parameter is missing.
Err60:Bad type.
Err61:Bad value.
Err62:Expected ")" or ","
Err63:Clipboard is empty.
Err64:This doesn't apply to 'freeblock'
Err65:This only applies to 'freeblock'
Err66:Freeblock not in this view.
Err67:Line %u4 too long to be tokenised
Err68:Please open the window first.
Err70:You must select a whole number of lines to sort.
Err71:Nothing to sort.
# Messages and warnings..
Msg00:None found
Msg01:One found
Msg02:%u4 found
Msg04:One or more texts are altered. Are you sure?